VBA MOD01 VBA Vs Excel Worksheet Fuctions

 VBA Vs Excel Worksheet Fuctions

Sub VBA_Excel_Functions()

With ShVEF

.Range("B3").Value = VBA.DateTime.Date

.Range("B6").Value = VBA.UCase(.Range("A6").Value)

.Range("B7").Value = VBA.LCase(.Range("A7").Value)

.Range("B8").Value = VBA.StrConv(.Range("A9").Value, vbProperCase)

.Range("B9").Value = Excel.WorksheetFunction.Proper(.Range("A9").Value)


End With

Dim myrange As Range

Set myrange = Range("A13").CurrentRegion

Debug.Print myrange.Address

Range("B11").Value = Excel.WorksheetFunction.Max(myrange)

End Sub


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