PY MOD01 Lecture 01

 Coding Room

ID --

Pass - Ritesh@1804

ID - RiteshKumar144 ,

Pass - 


1 0 0 D A Y S O F C O D E


Variables in Python
String Manipulation
Input and Print Functions
Variable Naming Rules
Mathematical Operations in Python
Converting types
Conditionals IF/ELIF/ELSE
Logical Operators
Error Handling
For Loops
Code blocks and Indentation
While Loops
Flowchart Programming
Positional and Keyword Arguments
Python Dictionaries and Lists
Nested Collections
Returning Functions
Return vs. Print
Doc Strings vs. Comments
Scope and Local/Global Variables
Debugging Techniques


Local Development Environment Setup
PyCharm Tips and Tricks
Python Object Oriented Programming
Creating Classes in Python
Using External Python Modules/Import
Getting / Setting Attributes
Python Methods
Class Initialisers
Module Aliasing
Optional, Required and Default Parameters
Event Listenters
Python Instances and State
Python Turtle
Game Development with Python and OOP
Python Inheritance
Python Slice Function
File I/O Reading and Writing to Local Files
File Directories
Reading and Writing to CSV
Introduction to the Pandas Framework
List Comprehensions
Dictionary Comprehensions
Packing and Unpacking Functions in Python
Creating Desktop GUI Apps with Tkinter
Strongly Dynamic Typing
Error Handling and Exceptions
Try / Except/ Raise
Working with JSONs
Local Persistence
Sending Email with Python and SMTP
Working with date and time
Hosting Python Code Online with PythonAnywhere

Making HTTP Requests with the Requests module
Sending Parameters with the Request
APIs with Authentication
Sending SMS with Python
Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup
Browser Automation with Selenium Web Driver
Automating Tinder
Automating Twitter
Automating LinkedIn
Automating Instagram
Web Development with Flask
Command Line
Python Decorators
Templating with Jinja 2
I N T E R M E D I A T E +
Build Your Own REST API with Python
Build Your Own Blog
Databases with SQLite
Dataframe Inspection
Data Cleaning
Sorting Values in Dataframes
Arithmatic Operations with Pandas
Creating Pivot Tables
Chaining Functions
Smoothing Time Series Data
Creating Line Charts with Matplotlib
Using Jupyter Notebook
HTML Markdown
Creating Scatterplots with Matplotlib
Relational Database Schemas
Descriptive Statistics
Creating Bar Charts, Pie Charts, Donut Charts, Box Plots with
Creating NumPy NDArrays


Build Your Own REST API with Python
Build Your Own Blog
Databases with SQLite
Dataframe Inspection
Data Cleaning
Sorting Values in Dataframes
Arithmatic Operations with Pandas
Creating Pivot Tables
Chaining Functions
Smoothing Time Series Data
Creating Line Charts with Matplotlib
Using Jupyter Notebook
HTML Markdown
Creating Scatterplots with Matplotlib
Relational Database Schemas
Descriptive Statistics
Creating Bar Charts, Pie Charts, Donut Charts, Box Plots with
Creating NumPy NDArrays

Array Slicing and Subsetting
Matrix Multiplication
Bitwise and Operators in Pandas
Creating Bubble Charts with Seaborn
Running Regressions with Scikit-Learn
Non-Parametric Regression
Students T-Tests and Histograms with Scikit-Learn
Multi-Variable Regression
Log Transformations
Residuals Analysis

Text to Morse Code Converter
Portfolio Website
Tic Tac Toe Game
Image Watermarking App
Typing Speed Test
Breakout Game
Cafe and Wifi Website
Todo List Website
Disappearing Text Writing App
Image Color Palette Generator
Custom Web Scraper
Automating the Google Dinosaur Game
Space Invaders Game
Custom API Driven Website
An Online Shop
Custom Browser Automation
Analyse and Visualise the Space Race
Analyse Deaths Involving the Police in the US
Predict Earnings using Multivariable Regression



Band Name Generator Project

print("Welcome to band name generator")

city_name = input("What's name of the city you grow up in? \n")

pet_name = input("What's your pet's name ? \n")

print("your band name could be " + city_name + " " + pet_name)



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