VBA MOD01 Excel Input Box Method

 Task 1 - Add data , add Amount 

Sub Excel_InputBox()
Dim Cname As String
Dim NextRow As Long
Dim CAmount As Long
Cname = InputBox("CustomerName", "Name Please..")

NextRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row+ 1
Range("A" & NextRow).Value = Cname

CAmount = Excel.Application _
.InputBox(Prompt:="Please Input Amount", Title:="Amount..", Type:=1)

Range("B" & NextRow).Value = CAmount

Debug.Print NextRow

End Sub

Task 2 : Identify Blank Cells

Sub Excel_InputBox_Range()

Dim myRange As Range
Dim cellBlank As Long, cellNum As Long, cellOther As Long
On Error GoTo leave

Set myRange = Application.InputBox("Count the number of cells", "Checking Cells...", , , , , , 8)

'Debug.Print myRange.Address

cellBlank = Excel.WorksheetFunction.CountBlank(myRange)
cellNum = Excel.WorksheetFunction.Count(myRange)
cellOther = Excel.WorksheetFunction.CountA(myRange) - cellNum

MsgBox cellBlank & "cells are blank." & vbNewLine _
& cellNum & "cell have numbers." & vbNewLine _
& cellOther & "cells are non numeric "

End Sub


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