Copy Resize Variably Sized Ranges Public Sub CopyResizeVariablySizedRanges() 'COPY RANGE FOR VARIABLE SIZED RANGES Range("A4").CurrentRegion.Copy Range("J4") 'OR FIXED RANGE Range("A4:E10").Copy Range("J4") 'PASTESPECIAL METHOD TO USE EXCELS PASTESPECIAL OPTIONS Range("A4").CurrentRegion.Copy Range("J20").PasteSpecial xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats 'TO ADD MORE PASTE SPECIAL OPTION TO ADD A NEW LINE Range("J20").PasteSpecial xlPasteComments 'USE THE RESIZE PROPERTY TO RETURN A CHANGED RANGE Range("A4").CurrentRegion.Offset(1, 0).Resize(Range("A4").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count - 1).Copy Range("A20") End Sub
Private Sub myCalc(Getvalue As Double, myPercent) Getvalue = Getvalue * myPercent MsgBox Getvalue End Sub Public Sub GetMyValue() Dim myValue As Double Dim p As Variant 'assign value and percentage from cell myValue = Range("A8").Value p = Range("B8").Value Call myCalc(myValue, p) MsgBox myValue End Sub ========================================================================= Private Sub myCalc(Getvalue As Double, myPercent) Getvalue = Getvalue * myPercent MsgBox Getvalue End Sub Public Sub GetMyValue() Dim myValue As Double Dim p As Variant 'assign value and percentage from cell myValue = Range("A8").Value p = Range("B8").Value If Excel.WorksheetF...
Coding Room ID -- Pass - Ritesh@1804 ID - RiteshKumar144 , Pass - ================================================================== 1 0 0 D A Y S O F C O D E SYLLABUS BASIC Variables in Python String Manipulation Input and Print Functions Variable Naming Rules Mathematical Operations in Python DataTypes Converting types Conditionals IF/ELIF/ELSE Logical Operators Randomisation Error Handling Functions For Loops Code blocks and Indentation While Loops Flowchart Programming Positional and Keyword Arguments Python Dictionaries and Lists Nested Collections Returning Functions Return vs. Print Doc Strings vs. Comments Scope and Local/Global Variables Debugging Techniques INTERMEDIATE Local Development Environment Setup Py...
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